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Big Bang 41mm ur serie 346.PX.0880.VR - DKK 1,609
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346.PX.0880.VR .jqzoom{ float:left;
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Bang 41mm ur serie 346.PX.0880.VR DKK 798,753 DKK
1,609 Spar: 100% off Tilføj til kurven: *
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.woaicss_copy a {color:#f00;} Details Shipping
Payment Methods grundlæggende oplysninger Code:
346.PX.0880.VR Mærke: Hublot Serier : Big Bang
-serien Style: Automatisk mekanisk , 41 mm
materiale: 18k rosa guld - keramisk mosaik krystal
0 Pris Give præcise priser , RMB : ¥ 233.600
2013-10 Euro : Nej HK : Nej Prisen er den
officielle medier , den offentlige pris er kun
henvises , skal du gå til din lokale butik for at
diskutere transaktionsprisen . bevægelse Urværk:
HUB1112 Vibrationsfrekvens : Oscillationsfrekvens
28600 per time Antal juveler : 21 Power reserve:
42 timer udvendig diameter: 41 mm Case materiale :
18k rosa guld - keramisk mosaik krystal Farve på
urskive : Brown Form af urskive : runde Dial
Materiale: Keramik, 5N pink guld Ure Mirror
Materiale: Safir krystalglas Krone materiale: 5N
rosa guld Rem farve : Brown Rem: læder Tilbage
ved: Dense bund Vanddybde: 100 m Shipping Method
and Cost We usually use the shipping methods by
EMS, DHL, the tracking numbers are available after
we ship. Shipping Time Orders received on
Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, as well as
orders received after 1pm on weekdays, will be
processed the next working day. We will do our
every effort to make sure you receive the parcel
in time, but we are not responsible for shipping
delays, which can be affected by the shipping
carrier, delivery destination, weather, holidays
or incorrect/insufficient delivery information.
Shipping Address We apologize for the
inconvenience, but we cannot ship to P.O. boxes.
All parcels will be held for picking up if cannot
be signed or delivered. So please provide us with
the most up-to-date, accurate and detailed
shipping information with your phone number for
the shipping. If an item is returned because it
was not deliverable due to an incorrect address,
customer will have to be responsible for both the
shipping and return charges. Tracking The shipping
of your parcel is traceable online. After your
order is shipped out, a confirmation email with
the online tracking number and link will be sent
to you. EMS:
Returns policy We are committed to your complete
satisfaction. All ordered items here are closely
to the word here "what you see on our website are
what you get in 7days".Before enjoying easy
exchange and return policy,you must contact us
with returning shipping address before sending the
items back.All items sent back to us must be in
their original condition i.e. not worn, altered or
washed, with all tags attached. All ordered items
are the right items you pick here.We promise you
of the right order package.So if returning right
items for a refund:all returned items are subject
to a 15% restocking fee and 20% bank
commision.Shipping and handling charges are
non-refundable. We do not cover the shipping cost
of returns or exchanges of right order package,
you will be responsible for the shipping and
handling costs. Additionally, we recommend that
you add tracking and insurance for your own
protection, as we cannot be responsible for lost
shipments. All returned merchandise should be sent
to the shipping address we email you after you get
our feedback here! Exchanges We will accept
exchanges for a different size or color within 30
days of the original order dispatch date. Please
contact us with your Order ID and one of our team
members will help you. If you would like to
exchange items to a different style, you would
have to return your items for a refund* (as per
Return policy) and place a new order for the style
you prefer. You must contact us before sending the
items back. All items sent back to us must be in
their original condition i.e. not worn, altered or
washed, with all tags attached. Worn or dirty
items will be returned back to you. We do not
cover the shipping cost of exchanges, you will be
responsible for the return postage and for the
shipping and handling cost of shipping the
exchanged items back to you. We recommend that you
add tracking and insurance when sending items to
us for your own protection, as we cannot be
responsible for lost shipments. Shipping and
handling charges are non-refundable. Order
Cancellation Cancellation of an order must be
requested before the order has been
dispatched.Cause that we process all orders as
quickly as possible within 6-8hours after orders
placing,so we are not always able to cancel an
order after it is placed.All cancellation items
are subject to a 20% bank commision. Hope you can
understand in this key point.Cancellation requests
after the order has been dispatched will be
treated in accordance with our Return policy.
Friendly Notice: If you did not receive your
10-digit tracking number within 3 days after
placing your order, your e-mail server may have
seen it as spam. In this case, please contact us
for assistance in orders' tracking. If have any
questions about the shipping of your order, please
feel free to contact with us. Payment Methods
1.VISA Card We are through the VISA Card Company
to accept your payment! When you create the order
information on our site, you could choose to pay
the bill via Visa, which is absolutely secure. You
could check on www.visa.com to make sure its
security. (1) NOTE: If returned as DECLINED,
please call your bank and tell them to unblock
your deal. VISA Card is easy and safe to make an
online purchase with. Please feel free to contact
us if you need further help. (2) Possible reasons
for payment declined: 1. Guests did not correctly
fill out payment information 2. Issuing bank does
not support online shopping 3. Guest card balance
is not enough 4. Guests have an adverse payment
records which did not pass the VISA Card
filtration system (non-payment, document deception
etc.) 2 Master Card Master Card is also a very
easy and quick way to send and receive money when
doing transactions. You could pay the bill via
Master Card,which is absolutely secure. You could
check on www.mastercard.com to make sure its
security. Please feel free to contact us if you
need further help. 3. Western Union: Western Union
are very welcome. You will get a 20% discount when
you use it. Steps: (1) Please calculate your total
amount (2) Deduct the 20% money (3) Transfer the
left money to us by Western Union (4) Send us the
information(MTCN, total amount, country) at the
page of Contact Us. How to use Western Union: Our
Official Western Union Information:First Name,Last
Name,Country Western Union has three payment
methods: (1) Using Cash, Credit, or Debit Cards to
send money through online. Supported by Australia,
Canada, European countries and United States. The
steps are: Firstly, access to the western Union's
home Site: http://www.westernunion.com/ and choose
your country. Secondly, sign in your Western Union
account or create a new one. Thirdly, click "send
money", fill in the Money Transfer form and click
"continue". Fourthly, fill in the form with your
information (billing address, name, phone number,
and your card number) Sometimes, you need to
confirm your transfer as the email from Western
Union tells you. (2) transferring at a western
union agent location. You may visit
country=global to find which one is the nearest
and fill in a form. And the staff there will help
you to complete the payment. (3) by your phone
Notice: (1) When finish the transaction, the
system will give you the MTCN (10 digits). (2)
Please write them down and then send MTCN with
your remitter¡¯s (payer¡¯s) name (First name,
Last Name), the exact delivery address, total
amount (USD) to us at the page of Contact Us. If
your currency is not in USD, you do not have to
exchange it into USD, which will be done
automatically by the western Union. But please do
not set the currency into the one that you
actually use at the website of western union or at
the location of western union, which will
automatically be transformed into USD in number.
Please tell us the amount in USD in the end and
then your order will go through. (3) Please feel
free to Contact Us by email or Live Chat if you
need further help. We will dispatch your order
once we receive your information. Please feel free
to contact us if you need further help. Related
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